Alexander had his first hearing test in the sound booth at the end of November. The reliability of the test isn't great at such a young age, but we're pretty confident he responded to speech at 30dB. The audiologist explained that a normal hearing baby at this age wouldn't respond to speech under 30dB. So for now, Alexander appears to be hearing as well as normal hearing babies. YAY! We continue to pray that his hearing loss is not progressive. If his hearing stays where it is, he will not need cochlear implants...the hearing aids will be enough. Alexander is such a happy baby and we are enjoying every precious moment with him!
Lily is talking all.the.time. :) We love it! We met a normal hearing baby over the weekend who is 3 months older than Lily, and he isn't talking. It really made me appreciate all the hard work that Lily has done in therapy to be doing as well as she is. She is speaking in phrases quite well and even speaking in sentences some. Lately she has been saying to me, "I hear Alexander." She also loves to sing. She's been singing Disney princess songs and Christmas songs. I've been trying to get it on video to share with you all, but you know how it is when you want your toddler to perform on camera...doesn't usually happen.